
Peaks.js is a JavaScript library that allows you to display and interaction with audio waveforms in the browser.

It was developed by BBC R&D to allow audio editors to make accurate clippings of audio content. You can read more about the project here.

Demo pages

The following pages demonstrate various configuration options:

Precomputed Waveform Data | Web Audio API | Single Zoomable Waveform | Single Fixed Waveform | Cue Events | Changing the Media URL | Multi-Channel Waveform

Demo: Multi-Channel Waveform

This demo shows how to show a stereo waveform. Use the Select source control to switch between pre-computed waveform data, fetched from the web server, and waveform data generated in the browser using the Web Audio API.

The pre-computed waveform data was produced using audiowaveform, with the following options:

audiowaveform -i 07023003.mp3 -o 07023003-2channel.dat -b 8 --split-channels

Audio content is copyright BBC, from the BBC Sound Effects library, used under the terms of the RemArc Licence.